Hello and welcome to my ~0.00000000053% piece of the internet (according to 2021 statistics). Thank you for visiting!

# whoami && uname -a

About Me:

For as long as I can remember I’ve had an interest in learning about how “stuff” works. As a ’90s kid, my dad put me in front of a computer when I was about a year and a half old, and it was all downhill from there… πŸ˜† Learning new (old) technology was so mesmerizing to my spongy child brain, which later inspired me to take things apart and put them back together (sometimes). I can still vaguely remember dissecting an old dot-matrix printer and an antique hard drive in kindergarten.

I later started dabbling with video game hacking and modding iPod firmware, unleashing my inner “script kiddie”. 😎 I was astounded by the wonders of Linux (Unix) and the ability to run the original 1993 Doom and other arbitrary software on devices that were designed as MP3 players, which later turned into a meme. These early endeavors (coupled with the hilarity of trolling friends in various activities) sparked my interest into the practical aspects (and impacts) of hacking and the greater field of cybersecurity.

I’m extremely thankful to now have over a decade of professional experience in IT, with the last 8+ years directly in security roles. My tenacity in pursuit of the offensive security space continues, with special interests in penetration testing, red teaming, and exploit development. As a perpetual learner in this space, I strive to build and maintain new skillsets while sharing that passion with others, in effort to make the internet a safer place. Hack Secure The Planet!! 😎

This website serves a few purposes:

  • Share my curated notes, experiences, and write-ups
  • Create an online portfolio with awesome technology
  • Learn how to build, host, and manage a static site

.house is also a pretty cool TLD (top-level domain)! πŸ˜†